Saturday, 4 May 2013


Bradley G Munkowitz is a Design Director who specializes in motion graphics. He's worked on a number of films and adverts like Tron Legacy, Hyundai ads and much more. He has managed to make motion graphics turn it in to an art, taking it to a new level. The way Bradley uses of colour and light is just amazing, he creates worlds on ribbons of light.

Tor Frick

Tor Frick is a 3D artist who works mainly in games using UDK to show cases his work. He's worked on games such as Gears of war, bullet storm and Far cry, all theirs games are very beautiful visually and the attention to detail is outstanding bring a sense of realty to the modeling. Tor Frick is very good at hard surfs modeling, he makes his model look like they are high poly when they are low this is very good for game props giving the max amount of detail.